Front-end / Software / Web App / Front-end / Software / Web App / Front-end / Software / Web App /
  • Progressive web app
  • Custom software
  • User Experience Design
  • Front-end development
  • Back-end integration

Arkema Design is a company of the Cornaglia group that first developed the solar-heated shower, of which there are also several copies, and designs showers and outdoor furniture, completely Made in Italy.

Web development
  • UX UI

  • Front-end

  • Back-end integration

  • + 75% Speed ​​of data collection

  • -50% Manual interventions for management

  • -100% Inventory communication time


Project details

The logistical and communication inefficiencies present in the product ordering process, by their agents and customers, required a solution that would speed up the times. They also took this opportunity to present constantly updated stock availability and to give more security and precision in orders: we did it together thanks to a Web App.

Ease and automation

The collection of needs has focused on ease of use for users who, browsing the products in the warehouse, can place orders directly, without going through sales managers. As it is internal software, we decided that it would not be possible to register independently, but only by invitation.

UX Best Practices

The user experience revolves around a quick navigation of the products, which in this case takes place at different levels. It is possible to search by category, by product name or by code: the latter is very powerful, since it contains all the characteristics of the product, and has allowed us to optimize the search results by giving alternatives if the searched code is not available.

Glance efficient

Each product immediately presents the three most important information: stock, category and color, the latter decoded by the code of the product itself. Each order is done through a pop-up, for quick navigation that never leaves the page on which the search takes place.

Eliminate bottlenecks

The process of registering customers in the registry has always taken place through exchanges of e-mails and telephone calls, which often greatly slowed down the practice, affecting the speed of collection. We have therefore integrated the necessary information in the user registration, in order to cancel the need for an additional contact: being present in the registry will be a default condition for every customer who needs to order products.

Do not hesitate to contact us to ask questions or present your project!